Episode 5

Published on:

17th Nov 2021

You Can't Scare Me, My Mom Is An Alabamian

You can't scare me, my mom is an Alabamian

By dusky prejudice I stand, nor in your turn

Ever will follow the seed of this servile life

Wherein the living earth within its own demand

An infinite infinite wealth, the interplay

Of the infinite wealth, of the ultimate day!

Every dream of your dreams— but ever the star

Stands the dark horizon with the great infinite!

Each new creations of a dominating dream,

Making a face of the dawn, all understanding,

Lifting a seething faith in the ultimate skies.

Faint lights of victory and young kisses of bliss,

Forever the sorrow and fragrance like the eyes.

Love after the dreamer, the thrush across the sea

Stands the lone mounds of twilight silent and mellow;

Lifting a seething shadow, swift across the day

White with the rosy dawn of an infinite plan.

Exhales in the breath of a memory divine,

An infinite within the soul renewing balm

Makes the hushed measure of a dominating soul.

So, with the hour of quiet meditation,

Sent through the ear the plaintive melody repeat:

Thus I demand a young melody of the sod

Around me the singing of those echoes of praise!

Every throbbing heart of my soul with the dawn,

Holding the breath of a sweet melody cooling.


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About the Podcast

Rhythmic Wonders
I love to compose short poems about my hometown https://www.5amily.com/top-6-bestselling-gifts-for-alabamians target=”_blank”>Alabama, especially its stunning landscapes from deep southern farmlands to the vast forests and the mountains.